Nancy Lindgren and the Difference of Mentorship

halfwaythere Jul 22, 2024

Ever wished you had a mentor to guide you through life and faith? Feeling isolated and trying to figure everything out on your own is not what Jesus intended for His church.

Our guest today reveals how mentorship can transform lives, including your own.

Nancy Lindgren is the Founder and CEO of MORE Mentoring, and author of Mentoring Made Real: The Power of Authentic Connection. In this episode, Nancy shares her journey from a young woman with a calling to the leader of a mentoring ministry. She opens up about learning to listen to the Lord in prayer and the pivotal moment that turned mentoring into her mission.

Listen as Nancy shares the trials and triumphs of waiting on God’s timing, and how her story exemplifies the need for intentional relationships in the Church. These connections, spanning different ages and experiences, help us grow in our faith in profound ways.

Download now to hear Nancy’s inspiring story on your favorite podcast platform!

Stories Nancy shared:

  • Growing up in Nebraska
  • Hearing Christian teaching and music as a child
  • Giving her life to Christ as a young girl
  • The car accident that gave her a sense of calling at 15
  • Starting a family immediately after college
  • The season when she learned to wait on God
  • Waiting for direction on where to go for two years
  • Learning to listen to the Lord in prayer
  • Learning to wait and be patient
  • The moment when the Lord gave her a mission in 2014
  • Overcoming challenges in mentoring
  • Writing a mentoring guide in 2016
  • Making disciples now around the world
  • How to go about engaging the process of mentorship in either direction

Great quotes from Nancy:

Be a mentor for a season and friends for life.

I knew he was a God who speaks.

You're absolutely qualified because Jesus qualifies you.

Resources we mentioned:

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