Karen Gonzalez and the God Who Sees

halfwaythere Jan 31, 2024
Karen Gonzalez is a native of Guatemala and is a speaker, writer and immigrant advocate. Karen works for World Relief and attended Fuller Theological Seminary, where she studied theology and missiology. Her first book is The God Who Sees: Immigrants, the Bible, and the Journey to Belong. Today, Karen shares what it is like moving to a new country, how Christians can help immigrants, and what the Bible really says about how immigrants should be treated. While immigration is a political hot potato of a topic, Karen helps us take a fresh look at those around us and see them with God’s eyes.

Karen Gonzalez is a native of Guatemala and is a speaker, writer and immigrant advocate. Karen works for World Relief and attended Fuller Theological Seminary, where she studied theology and missiology. Her first book is The God Who Sees: Immigrants, the Bible, and the Journey to Belong. Today, Karen shares what it is like moving to a new country, how Christians can help immigrants, and what the Bible really says about how immigrants should be treated. While immigration is a political hot potato of a topic, Karen helps us take a fresh look at those around us and see them with God’s eyes.
Listen to Karen’s story now!

Stories Karen shared:

  • Growing up in Guatemala in a Roman Catholic home
  • Always being interested in faith and seeing different ways of interacting with God
  • Leaving Guatemala due to war
  • The difficulties of integrating into life in the United States
  • Going to church with her grandmother and giving her life to Christ
  • How to handle undocumented people in a Christian way
  • Moving to Florida after receiving Green Cards
  • Losing her mother to cancer
  • The tug and pull between the two cultures she found herself in
  • Discipleship as a college student
  • Questioning things like the death penalty
  • Discovering that the Gospel doesn’t “work” everywhere
  • Going to seminary to get a more robust
  • Why she wrote the God Who Sees using immigration stories

Great quotes from Karen:

Migration is a really traumatic experience.

What’s morally right and the right thing to do as a Christian is often at odds with the right thing to do as a U.S. citizen.

Seminary saved my faith.

Nobody’s faith is static.

Resources we mentioned:

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