Evan Money Loves Getting Married and Other Joys

halfwaythere Jan 30, 2024
Evan Money is a coach and author who marries his wife all over again every year. Today, Evan shares why he marries his wife every year, the spiritual benefits of constant wedding planning, and how it inspires others. Evan is a high energy guy living his life to the fullest potential. He shares why he thinks he is constantly being converted, learning how to love himself, and how to practice being present. And he leaves us with a challenge to put as much effort into learning to love our spouse as we do fantasy football (ouch!).

Evan Money is a coach and author who marries his wife all over again every year. Today, Evan shares why he marries his wife every year, the spiritual benefits of constant wedding planning, and how it inspires others. Evan is a high energy guy living his life to the fullest potential. He shares why he thinks he is constantly being converted, learning how to love himself, and how to practice being present. And he leaves us with a challenge to put as much effort into learning to love our spouse as we do fantasy football (ouch!).

Please listen to and enjoy Evan’s story!

Stories Evan shared:

  • What he means by “life to the full”
  • Growing up in Los Angeles in a “normal dysfunctional family”
  • Constantly being converted
  • The value of being in the present and how to practice presence
  • Discovering how to love himself
  • Marrying his wife again every year and the spiritual benefits
  • How the practice of marrying one another again inspires others
  • Releasing expectations about what a good Christian should be
  • Daily dark night of the soul
  • Spend the Day with Evan

Great quotes from Evan:

Let’s figure out how to create your life to the full and what does that look like being authentic to your life and faith?

Life is really about, I believe, living your dreams and serving other people. Greatness is doing them both at the same time.

I don’t think you can commit to a marriage and not commit to Christ.

What would it look like if you put as much energy into romancing your wife as you do into fantasy football?

Resources Evan mentioned (Amazon Affiliate links that send me a small commission when you use them):