Caroline Abbott and Coming Home to the Lord

halfwaythere Jan 31, 2024
Caroline Abbott is an author, domestic violence advocate, and counselor. Today, she shares the story of how she found the Lord, walked away, and found him again. Along the way, Caroline found herself in an abusive marriage but found little help from the people who she turned to including her church. She recounts some of the misguided things her pastors did and said and gives us tips and resources for bringing the Kingdom of God to abusive relationships. Caroline’s mission now is to help others get out and find themselves again.

Caroline Abbott is an author, domestic violence advocate, and counselor. Today, she shares the story of how she found the Lord, walked away, and found him again. Along the way, Caroline found herself in an abusive marriage but found little help from the people who she turned to including her church. She recounts some of the misguided things her pastors did and said and gives us tips and resources for bringing the Kingdom of God to abusive relationships. Caroline’s mission now is to help others get out and find themselves again.

Listen to Caroline’s story now!

Stories Caroline shared:

  • Why she became a domestic violence advocate
  • Missing church as a child and wishing she was there
  • The longing to know Jesus she has felt her whole life
  • How her parents punished her for being baptized
  • Sowing wild oats and getting married
  • The Bible study that turned on the lights for her
  • Why she submitted to an abusive husband
  • How she drew strength from the Lord during this time
  • The mentors who cared for her
  • How counseling made the situation worse
  • Researching abuse and where it led her
  • Getting out of the abusive marriage
  • What to look for in situations of domestic violence
  • Why she decided to write a book

Great quotes from Caroline:

Something in me wanted to know the Lord.

The people around me may have abandoned me but the Lord hasn’t.

It’s a beautiful thing to be able to turn something that’s really dark into something that’s really lovely.

Resources we mentioned:

8 Day Experience is the process of spiritual reading that I have been using for ten years and the church has used for centuries longer. In this beautiful 30 page digital download, I guide you through reading and reflecting on Mark 1:40-45 bringing your own questions to the surface so you can bring them to the Lord. Your experience will be unique based on your life and relationship with the Lord.

Buy it today!