Vicki Proffit and The Encouragement of God

halfwaythere Jan 30, 2024
Vicki Proffit is the executive director of Sarah’s Home which serves girls rescued from sex trafficking. Today, Vicki lets us into her sweet relationship with the Lord through periods of waiting, finding direction, and miraculous provision. Vicki shares her concern to finish her life well in serving the Lord and the experiences that bring her to her knees before him. We also talk about Sarah’s Home, the problem of trafficking, and how you can be aware of trafficking in your area. Vicki’s heart comes through in a big way and will be an encouragement to you.

Vicki Proffit is the executive director of Sarah’s Home which serves girls rescued from sex trafficking. Today, Vicki lets us into her sweet relationship with the Lord through periods of waiting, finding direction, and miraculous provision. Vicki shares her concern to finish her life well in serving the Lord and the experiences that bring her to her knees before him. We also talk about Sarah’s Home, the problem of trafficking, and how you can be aware of trafficking in your area. Vicki’s heart comes through in a big way and will be an encouragement to you.

Please listen and share Vicki’s story!

Stories Vicki shared:

  • Her mission to trafficked girls at Sarah’s Home
  • Her amazing parents and how they shaped her
  • The encouragement she receives from many sources
  • Calling a friend at 4:30 AM because she felt God told her to
  • Waiting two and a half years for a license for Sarah’s Home
  • God’s provision at the house
  • Why it matters to her to finish well
  • Wrestling with pride in her life
  • The trouble with her eyes and struggling with healing
  • The problem of sex trafficking and abuse in the United States
  • What success means for rescued girls
  • How to be aware of trafficking in your area

Great quotes from Vicki:

Any weaknesses or idiosyncrasies I have are definitely not [my parent’s] fault.

There’s a yearning in my heart, now, that I want to finish well.

When it’s all about me, you don’t care who you hurt.

Resources we mentioned: