Tracy Winchell and the Value of Starting Over

halfwaythere Jan 30, 2024
Tracy Winchell is the host of the Reboots podcast focusing on turnarounds and rebounds in life. Tracy knows all about rebounding and today she shares how God went from the fringes of her life to the center. The journey took her through a career in television, a tremendous amount of grief, and finding a mission in Celebrate recovery and her podcast. Tracy has become a good friend whose story inspires me and I know she will inspire you, too.

Tracy Winchell is the host of the Reboots podcast focusing on turnarounds and rebounds in life. Tracy knows all about rebounding and today she shares how God went from the fringes of her life to the center. The journey took her through a career in television, a tremendous amount of grief, and finding a mission in Celebrate recovery and her podcast. Tracy has become a good friend whose story inspires me and I know she will inspire you, too.

Please listen and share Tracy’s story!

Stories Tracy shared:

  • Growing up in a great home and finding Jesus in 4th grade chapel
  • Why she waited until her 30s to get baptized
  • How her early teaching about God’s wrath shaped her
  • How life changed her views including of the death penalty
  • Stumbling into an on air position
  • Returning home to Arkansas to cover politics in Arkansas while Bill Clinton was governor
  • How trying to brush past a bad breakup changed her understanding of herself
  • Why the relationship with self matters
  • How Celebrate Recovery helped her understand grief
  • Why she started the Reboots podcast

Great quotes from Tracy:

Put all that stuff People have told me God is aside…

It was exciting to know that the guy I talked to all the time was running for president.

I’m probably never going to get my relationship with God perfectly right this side of heaven.

Recovery is about sanctification.

Resources mentioned by Tracy: