Traci Rhoades and a Firm Foundation
Feb 10, 2024
Traci Rhoades is an author, Bible teacher, writer, listener, and follower of Jesus who cares deeply about church unity, church history, everyone reading God’s word, and engaging with others on Twitter. She was last with us on episode #262 and has a new book out called Shaky Ground: What to Do After the Bottom Drops Out. Today, we talk about discovering the gift of listening, exploring Christian traditions different from our own, and how spiritual practices can see us through dark seasons. Traci reminds us that being curious is a spiritual discipline worth pursuing.
Listen to my conversation with Traci wherever you get your podcasts!
Stories Traci shared:
- Navigating life with a freshman in high school
- How she explored various church traditions
- Why learning to listen is a crucial part of the journey
- Exploring the church calendar and prayer
- Practicing lectio divina
- Why she wrote Shaky Ground
- Learning to trust the Holy Spirit
- Using prayer books for her personal prayer
- The power of silence for spiritual formation
- How an Ash Wednesday service made her weep
- How spiritual practices help you through dark seasons
Great quotes from Traci:
A curious mind serves me better than an arguing one.
Once I let go of the fear, I already knew how to listen to the Holy Spirit.
The only time there was silence in my church was when someone missed their queue.
Imagine if we all walked around as deeply healed people.
Resources we mentioned:
- Traci’s website
- Shaky Ground: What to Do After the Bottom Drops Out by Traci Rhoades
- Traci’s first appearance on Halfway There
- Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy: Finding the Way to Christ in a Complicated Religious Landscape by Fr. Andrew Stephen Damik
- The Deeply Formed Life by Rich Villodas
- Holy Silence: The Gift of Quaker Spirituality by J. Brent Bill
- A Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster
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