Tonya Jewel Blessing and the Servants Who See the Miracles

halfwaythere Jan 26, 2024
Today, Tonya Jewel Blessing shares how she learned to love the mess and serve with a joyful heart. It wasn’t always easy and we talk about the long process God used to prepare her for life in rural South Africa. But the process was full of moments that inspired her to trust just a little bit more.

Today, Tonya Jewel Blessing shares how she learned to love the mess and serve with a joyful heart. It wasn’t always easy and we talk about the long process God used to prepare her for life in rural South Africa. But the process was full of moments that inspired her to trust just a little bit more.

Tonya is also the author of The Whispering of the Willows (Amazon affiliate link), work of fiction that connects her to her roots. Her parents grew up in the area of Appalachia where the story is set and she drew from that inspiration. While she describes it as “a girl book,” (there is a budding romance in the selection she reads for us), the book is a fine depiction of the period and Tonya’s way with words makes for easy and delightful reading.

Listen today for the following stories:

  • How Tonya found Jesus
  • The choice Tonya had to make when she married her husband
  • How that choice led to rural and muddy Colorado and the spiritual struggle it ignited in her
  • The  prayers God answered in South Africa while serving in small towns

Great quotes from our conversation:

Ministry wasn’t just about standing in a pulpit preaching, it was about coming alongside people and helping people.


If we respond to somebody else’s sin in a negative way and shocked by what someone has done, those ministry moments are lost.


Serving God isn’t for the feint of heart.


It’s the servants of God who see the miracles.

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