Tom Nardone and Opportunity in the Ordinary

halfwaythere Jan 30, 2024
Tom Nardone is a mailman turned house flipper, author, speaker and coach. Today he shares how he found his true calling from what he saw everyday and how economic downturn led him closer to Christ. He grew his business from a side hustle to a career by taking advantage of what God had already put right in front of him. Tom demonstrates the importance of looking at what you have and not what you don’t have.

Tom Nardone is a mailman turned house flipper, author, speaker and coach. Today he shares how he found his true calling from what he saw everyday and how economic downturn led him closer to Christ. He grew his business from a side hustle to a career by taking advantage of what God had already put right in front of him. Tom demonstrates the importance of looking at what you have and not what you don’t have.

Listen to Tom’s story now!

Stories Tom shared:

  • Finding Christ at a youth meeting when he was 12
  • Seeing the world differently after giving his life to Christ
  • How God showed him that his wife was the right woman for him
  • Realizing that being a postman was not his highest calling
  • How the real estate crash of 2008 affected him
  • The books that helped him remember his relationship with God
  • What God said to him while praying at a stoplight
  • What being conformed to Christ’s image looks like in his life
  • Coaching people who flip houses

Great quotes from Tom:

There are a lot of promises God makes to us that He wants us to hold him to.

Whether it’s ups or downs, enjoy the journey.

Resources we mentioned: