Tom Hale and Living an Authentic Life

halfwaythere Feb 02, 2024
Tom Hale is the author of Authentic Lives, a 2nd year PhD student in intercultural studies at Fuller School of Intercultural Studies. Today, he shares about growing up in Nepal, working for nearly two decades in the former Soviet Union, and why he is passionate about living authentically. Tom’s story helps us think more deeply about how we represent ourselves.

Tom Hale is the author of Authentic Lives, a 2nd year PhD student in intercultural studies at Fuller School of Intercultural Studies. Today, he shares about growing up in Nepal, working for nearly two decades in the former Soviet Union, and why he is passionate about living authentically. Tom’s story helps us think more deeply about how we represent ourselves.
Listen to Tom’s story now!

Stories Tom shared:

  • Growing up in Nepal as the son of American doctors at a village hospital
  • When his mom dropped him off at boarding school
  • Finding his niche in high school
  • Sharing conversation with friends from different backgrounds
  • How the Navigators helped him grow in faith
  • A time in the Navy
  • Eventually moving to the former Soviet Union
  • Problems with labels: when the way people describe you isn’t how you think of yourself

Great quotes from Tom:

Sometimes when we say something is spiritually dark, what we’re reflecting is modernity vs. premodernity.

It is possible to come up with a life mission that you can share with anyone.

Resources we mentioned:

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