Tim Morris and How Your Heart’s Desire Unlocks Your Purpose

halfwaythere Jan 29, 2024
Tim Morris is a professional coach called to empower visionary leaders to turn their ideas into a movement. He has developed a program called Design Discovery that is “a framework to know the superpowers, tools they uniquely use, environment they come alive, the specific people they are called to serve, and the fruit they are designed to produce.” Tim shares his experience learning listening prayer, why your heart can be trusted, and how to discover your design.  Tim is also my coach and has been instrumental in helping me overcome the obstacles in my way to achieving my goals. Design Discovery helped me find my sweet spot and now Tim is helping me grow in it. If learning to live in your design is intriguing to you, listen to this episode and then reach out to Tim for more information.

Tim Morris is a professional coach called to empower visionary leaders to turn their ideas into a movement. He has developed a program called Design Discovery that is “a framework to know the superpowers, tools they uniquely use, environment they come alive, the specific people they are called to serve, and the fruit they are designed to produce.” Tim shares his experience learning listening prayer, why your heart can be trusted, and how to discover your design.

Tim is also my coach and has been instrumental in helping me overcome the obstacles in my way to achieving my goals. Design Discovery helped me find my sweet spot and now Tim is helping me grow in it. If learning to live in your design is intriguing to you, listen to this episode and then reach out to Tim for more information.

Stories Tim shared:

  • Why he loves apostles, prophets, and evangelists and his calling to empower them
  • The youth pastor who led him to give his life to Christ
  • The church service that left him depressed for several years
  • The moment when God spoke to him about the trustworthiness of Scripture
  • How to master listening prayer (Silence, Imagination, Flow, Test)
  • Why the heart is a trustworthy guide to who you are
  • His journey into Design Discovery and how Tim uses it to unleash the heart
  • Discerning God’s will for your life through desire
  • How he came to understand spiritual warfare

Great quotes from Tim:

If the enemy can take an apostle down, he can take them all down.

God is more normal than you can imagine, and more supernatural than you can imagine.

Desire is the leading part of the heart. Emotions, mind, and will follow behind.

One of the other legit sources of God’s communication to us is via our heart’s desires.

Christians should be the most desirous people on Earth.

Resources mentioned by Tim (Amazon Affiliate links):


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