Tammy Helfrich is Trust Falling with God

halfwaythere Jan 29, 2024
Tammy Helfrich is a coach, speaker, writer, and podcaster who shares her growing trust in God. Her podcast called Right Where You Are is an encouraging listen that should be added to your podcast rotation. Just jump over there and subscribe right now. Tammy shares stories that all seem to have one theme: trusting God with it all including her career, her family, and her current ministry.

Tammy Helfrich is a coach, speaker, writer, and podcaster who shares her growing trust in God. Her podcast called Right Where You Are is an encouraging listen that should be added to your podcast rotation. Just jump over there and subscribe right now. Tammy shares stories that all seem to have one theme: trusting God with it all including her career, her family, and her current ministry.

If you enjoyed Tammy’s story, you can connect to her on Twitter or Facebook, or her website.

Stories Tammy shared:

  • The feeling of God’s love she had from a very young age
  • The disconnect she felt between her legalistic church and her understanding of God’s heart for her including the casket incident
  • The people who shaped her:
    • Group of women
    • How Nicole Nordeman’s music filled her with hope by showing her other people who get God the way she did
    • Meeting Nicole and sharing how God used her music to share Tammy and the amazing way that story reciprocated the ministry
  • Her baptism and the moment that God nudged Tammy to stop fighting him
  • The relational aspects of her surrender and the moment God told to Tammy to let him do the work in her husband
  • How she became a coach and why so many of us get stuck
  • How God led her to quit her corporate job and begin working at her church
  • Trusting God with the vision of reaching her community

Great quotes from Tammy:

I think that God would want me to be happy and dance.

Everybody experiences God in different ways.

I had been coaching my entire life but just never called it that.

We don’t ask ourselves, “What do I want?”

Embrace your unique story with God.

Books mentioned by Tammy:


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