Steve Bremner and God Out of the Box

halfwaythere Jan 31, 2024
Steve Bremner is an author, sometime podcaster, and Supreme Galactic Emperor? We had a good laugh about that one! Today, Steve shares his journey from a conservative denomination to a charismatic one. You’ll hear his heart to see God and be inspired by his following the next right step even as it led him around the world. Steve currently has an online business while he serves in Peru – that’s modern tentmaking!

Steve Bremner is an author, sometime podcaster, and Supreme Galactic Emperor? We had a good laugh about that one! Today, Steve shares his journey from a conservative denomination to a charismatic one. You’ll hear his heart to see God and be inspired by his following the next right step even as it led him around the world. Steve currently has an online business while he serves in Peru – that’s modern tentmaking!

Listen to Steve’s story now!

Stories Steve shared:

  • Working as a tentmaker in Peru helping authors publish their books
  • Growing up in Ontario, Canada
  • Giving his life to Christ around 15 years old
  • Devouring tapes of teaching
  • Connecting to the Brownsville revival
  • Speaking in tongues for the first time
  • Praying for people in the line
  • Going to Holland as a missionary and feeling frustrated
  • Realizing that Peru was the next place he would live
  • Writing a blog and his books

Great quotes from Steve:

God doesn’t have a box that he works in and doesn’t do things according to our expectations.

That thing to focus on helped get through the dark night of the soul.

Resources we mentioned:

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