Step by Step on the Camino Part 3 with Mike Costas

halfwaythere Jan 28, 2024
Mike is the gracious husband of Jan Costas who shared her story with us in two parts here and here. In today’s episode, we learn, hear his story, why he went on the Camino, and how he learned to trust God in a whole new way on the trail.

Mike is the gracious husband of Jan Costas who shared her story with us in two parts here and here. In today’s episode, we learn hear his story, why he went on the Camino, and how he learned to trust God in a whole new way on the trail.

Stories Mike shared with us:

  • How he and Jan met in Germany (6:00)
  • Why he ended up in Germany during the time the wall went up (10:23)
  • His experience overseas working in Arab communities (28:14)
  • Why he went on the Camino (38:10)
  • How Mike’s journey with the Lord started before they even left town (43:06)
  • The amazing food they enjoyed (1:00:13)

Great Quotes from Mike:

The Army does not put it’s posts in wonderful places. They are the armpit of the world.


It took me three days to realize walking with her was a benefit…because in the end we really bonded like we’ve never done in 50 years so it was wonderful in that way.


My actual first step with the Lord on the Camino was at DIA (Denver International Airport)

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