Mary DeMuth and Her Avenue for Healing

halfwaythere Feb 05, 2024
Shea Watson is the cohosts The Pantry Podcast with his wife Michelle. Today, Shea shares his journey of sexual abuse at 8 years old, joining the army to avoid jail for drug dealing, and realizing he was losing it in the special forces. He constantly strived to keep up appearances by succeeding in high school sports and excelling in the army but it wasn’t enough to base his identity. Finally, after the failure of his second marriage, he turned to the Lord. Shea’s story reminds us that God’s love overcomes shame.

Shea Watson is the cohosts The Pantry Podcast with his wife Michelle. Today, Shea shares his journey of sexual abuse at 8 years old, joining the army to avoid jail for drug dealing, and realizing he was losing it in the special forces. He constantly strived to keep up appearances by succeeding in high school sports and excelling in the army but it wasn’t enough to base his identity. Finally, after the failure of his second marriage, he turned to the Lord. Shea’s story reminds us that God’s love overcomes shame.

Listen to Shea’s story now!

Stories Shea shared:

  • The Pantry Podcast with his wife
  • Being abused as an 8 year old
  • Going to live with his dad and the requirements to go to church
  • Trying to prove himself
  • Getting into drug dealing to make some money
  • Joining the military to escape
  • Wanting to achieve in the Army
  • Having PTSD while he was still in the Army
  • Telling his superiors that he needed help
  • Feeling like he was running from God
  • Staying at Walter Reed in a psychiatric unit for two years
  • Struggling with drug addiction
  • When his sister took him in and loved him
  • Getting married to a woman who became his fix
  • Having 8 miscarriages and the sorrow that comes from that experience
  • His dream about Jesus being crucified
  • Starting The Pantry Podcast with his wife Michelle

Great quotes from Shea:

I needed someone to tell me I was good because I didn’t feel good inside.

My life in the Army started through reckless decisions.

I was tired of turning to things to cover the pain. I didn’t want to put a band-aid on it anymore.

Resources we mentioned:

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