Seth Price and a Bigger God

halfwaythere Jan 30, 2024
Seth is the host and conversation curator of the Can I Say This at Church Podcast. He started the podcast as a way to work out his own doubts and questions and quickly found that he was not alone in them. Today, Seth shares how his faith began to unravel after his kids were born, how his friends held space for him to question, and how those questions deepened his trust in the Lord. His story shows us that as long as our goal is to know God, we should never be afraid of questions or their answers because God is always big enough to handle them.

Seth is the host and conversation curator of the Can I Say This at Church Podcast. He started the podcast as a way to work out his own doubts and questions and quickly found that he was not alone in them. Today, Seth shares how his faith began to unravel after his kids were born, how his friends held space for him to question, and how those questions deepened his trust in the Lord. His story shows us that as long as our goal is to know God, we should never be afraid of questions or their answers because God is always big enough to handle them.

Listen to Seth’s story now!

Stories Seth shared:

  • Being involved in his church
  • Growing up in the Texas Bible belt
  • Attending Liberty College and doing community service
  • How his faith began to unravel after his children were born
  • The friends who held space for him to be openly doubtful
  • Taking his questions to his pastor who gave him permission to wrestle
  • Starting his podcast, Can I Say This at Church
  • Learning patience with people who don’t believe the same as he does
  • Shifts in the church and people who influenced us

Great quotes from Seth:

Agreement is not necessary to be a follower of Jesus.

I realized how badly I was following Jesus…I’m either a really bad Christian or I’m not one at all.

As far as the world, I’ve become way more patient especially with those who don’t hold the same views as me.

Whatever it is you’re questioning, question it.

Resources we mentioned: