Scott Distler and Creating Space to Listen

halfwaythere Feb 05, 2024
Scott Distler is an author and the lead pastor of an Evangelical Free church in Northern Michigan. Today, Scott shares about the mentors who shaped him, how a betrayal sent him into a dark time, and the steps he took to get out of it. Scott learned to slow down and make space for his relationship with God in the difficult season and he shares those lessons. Scott’s story reminds us that our identity must come from who Jesus says we are not our accomplishments.

Scott Distler is an author and the lead pastor of an Evangelical Free church in Northern Michigan. Today, Scott shares about the mentors who shaped him, how a betrayal sent him into a dark time, and the steps he took to get out of it. Scott learned to slow down and make space for his relationship with God in the difficult season and he shares those lessons. Scott’s story reminds us that our identity must come from who Jesus says we are not our accomplishments.

Listen to Scott’s story now!

Stories Scott shared:

  • Pastoring a church in Northern Michigan
  • Spending his childhood in church
  • Feeling called to become a pastor as a junior in high school
  • Going to Bible school to learn Scripture
  • His mentor’s advice about how to pray specifically
  • The moment that he knew the Lord answered his prayer
  • How is pastor mentored him and his best advice
  • Becoming spiritually arrogant before his “cave experience”
  • When his main supporter turned against him at church
  • Learning that his source of significance is in the Lord
  • Starting to journal as a spiritual practice
  • Realizing that Jesus understands betrayal
  • The practice of gratitude he kept with his wife
  • Why he decided to write The Cave

Great quotes from Scott:

Even though my greatest hurts in life have come from the church, I still believe in the local church.

Everything that happens to you makes you bitter or better. The choice is yours.

My source of significance has to be Jesus.

Resources we mentioned:

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