Sarah Symons and Setting the Captives Free

halfwaythere Feb 05, 2024
Sarah Symons is the Founder and Executive Director of Her Future Coalition, an international charity fighting human trafficking and other severe gender violence with shelter, education and employment. Over the past 15 years, Her Future Coalition has walked alongside over 5000 women and children in India, Nepal, Cambodia, and Thailand on their journey to freedom and independence. Today, Sarah shares how she found faith, the mixed blessing of a legalistic background, and how God directed her to a film that changed her life. Sarah’s story reminds us that God is setting captives free and sometimes it’s not a metaphor.

Sarah Symons is the Founder and Executive Director of Her Future Coalition, an international charity fighting human trafficking and other severe gender violence with shelter, education and employment. Over the past 15 years, Her Future Coalition has walked alongside over 5000 women and children in India, Nepal, Cambodia, and Thailand on their journey to freedom and independence. Today, Sarah shares how she found faith, the mixed blessing of a legalistic background, and how God directed her to a film that changed her life. Sarah’s story reminds us that God is setting captives free and sometimes it’s not a metaphor.

Listen to Sarah’s story now!

Stories Sarah shared:

  • Helping women become slavery-proof
  • Growing up in Michigan in a Unitarian family
  • Going to a somewhat legalistic Baptist church at 13
  • Attending Bob Jones University and how that stagnated her faith
  • Her career as a singer/songwriter for film and TV
  • Watching a movie about trafficking at the Tribeca Film Festival
  • Emailing an organization working in Nepal
  • The experiences that moved her on her first trip to Nepal
  • Experiencing God’s love wrap around her after seeing horrific devastation on human faces
  • How people can get involved
  • Her spiritual gift of relentless positivity
  • The connection between mind and body
  • How Covid affected education in India

Great quotes from Sarah:

A lot of people wish we could drop in and offer a workshop. But it’s a ten year walk to recover, at least.

It certainly was a life-changing opportunity but not in the way I planned.

God was everywhere for me in all that. I couldn’t have done that trip without my faith.

Resources we mentioned:

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