Sam Feeney and Experiencing God as Father

halfwaythere Feb 08, 2024
Sam Feeney is an author, strategist, coach, husband, and father of five. Today, Sam shares with us the paths he meandered as a young man, how everything changed when he met his wife, and what it meant to learn about God as Father. Also, he tells us why his family took a huge leap of faith and moved from Pennsylvania to Colorado. Sam is passionate about helping men grow in their faith and interactions with their families. Sam’s story reminds us that God is one but also three persons and keeping that perspective changes everything.

Sam Feeney is an author, strategist, coach, husband, and father of five. Today, Sam shares with us the paths he meandered as a young man, how everything changed when he met his wife, and what it meant to learn about God as Father. Also, he tells us why his family took a huge leap of faith and moved from Pennsylvania to Colorado. Sam is passionate about helping men grow in their faith and interactions with their families. Sam’s story reminds us that God is one but also three persons and keeping that perspective changes everything.

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Stories Sam shared:

  • Growing up in Pennsylvania in a Christian family
  • Resisting faith because it might mean his dad was right
  • Deciding that he would become a Christian despite of his relationship with his father
  • Reconnecting with God on summers off during college
  • How meeting his wife changed him
  • How learning to be married challenged them
  • Learning about the Holy Spirit and navigating the ditches
  • Finding a church that had a good balance of faith in the Trinity
  • Holding his son helped bring healing
  • Why the idea of fatherhood is so valuable
  • Moving to Colorado with his family and the faith it took
  • Starting a business and his podcast, Made to Thrive
  • How career affects men and their interactions with their family

Great quotes from Sam:

For a long time I resisted faith because it might mean my dad was right.

If my dad loves me half as much as I love this kid, I’ve undersold him.

If you put eternity in our hearts, we’re looking for where he shows up as soon as possible.

My biggest challenge as a dad is trying to prolong credibility with my kids as long as I can.

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