Sam Black and The Journey of Freedom
Feb 12, 2024
Sam Black, author of The Healing Church: What Churches Get Wrong About Pornography, and Director of Life Change Education at Covenant Eyes. Today, Sam shares how his life changed when he was first exposed to pornography, how it became a crutch for him, and why it’s so destructive. He explains the inner turmoil he felt which often kept him from church but then, he discovered a community that allowed him to be honest about his addiction. Plus, Sam tells us how to get started making your church a place that’s safe, too. Sam’s story reminds us that God’s grace is enough for everyone regardless of what sin they struggle with.
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Stories Sam shared:
- Why he wrote The Healing Church
- Growing up in Indiana, Kentucky, and Florida in a “hypocritically violent” home
- Being exposed to pornography at 10 years old
- How pornography became an escape for him
- The messages that he received from his church
- How his wife came to Christ
- The relationship between how much pornography and service
- Believing that he could not live up to a Christian life
- Going to an event at his wife’s church
- The marriage class that became a safe space
- How his life changed as he was able to be vulnerable
- The spectrum of how the Church handles problems
- How to be the safe person for your community
Great quotes from Sam:
No one comes to the Father except through the Spirit. And the Spirit was doing a number on me.
What part of James 5:16 do we not believe?
What we need is a safe place with a safe process where it’s okay to come as you are.
Resources we mentioned:
- Sam’s website
- The Healing Church: What Churches Get Wrong about Pornography and How to Fix It by Sam Black
- Covenant Eyes – Code for one month free: safeguard
- Strive Program
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