Ryan Ragozine and Finding Faith Again

halfwaythere Feb 07, 2024
Ryan Ragozine, host of the Thinker Sensitive podcast. Today, Ryan shares his incredible journey growing up in a Christian family in Detroit. When he was 12 he lost his faith in God and turned to philosophy to find answers. He also shares the moment when his faith was revived, what he learned from his season of doubt and anxiety, and why he stared a podcast. Ryan’s story reminds us that no matter where you are on the spiritual journey, God isn’t finished with us.

Ryan Ragozine, host of the Thinker Sensitive podcast. Today, Ryan shares his incredible journey growing up in a Christian family in Detroit. When he was 12 he lost his faith in God and turned to philosophy to find answers. He also shares the moment when his faith was revived, what he learned from his season of doubt and anxiety, and why he stared a podcast. Ryan’s story reminds us that no matter where you are on the spiritual journey, God isn’t finished with us.

Listen to Ryan’s story in your favorite podcast app now!

Stories Ryan shared:

  • Why he started Thinker Sensitive, a podcast for thinking seekers
  • Growing up in Detroit, Michigan in a Christian family
  • Praying while he was in bed and the question that challenged his faith
  • What he lost with his faith
  • Feeling jealous that faith was easy for his friends
  • Why he didn’t tell his parents
  • Turning to philosophy to find answers
  • Deciding that certainty is not a human possibility
  • The mystical experience when faith revived at 20
  • What he learned from his seasons of doubt
  • Going to study theology and struggling with OCD and anxiety
  • The trip to California that changed his anxiety
  • Why he started Thinker Sensitive

Great quotes from Ryan:

Philosophy in its root form is simply deep contemplation.

The kind of certainty I was looking for is actually humanly impossible.

All humans have to exercise faith. It just depends on what my faith is in and how well supported it is by reason.

Finding God again was about him not about me.

Just because you have doubts, doesn’t mean the answers don’t exist.

Resources we mentioned:

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