Ryan Lui and Embracing Your Uniqueness

halfwaythere Jan 31, 2024

Ryan is a Pastor at Tenth Church in Vancouver BC. He is the author of Being is Greater than Doing, and an Enneagram Coach. Today, Ryan shares how the Enneagram helped him discover and accept himself including the unique ways he contributes to the Kingdom of God. We also talk about how the spiritual practices we are drawn to may differ based on our personality and why we need to embrace ourselves that way. Ryan is a gifted writer and speaker and I know you’ll connect with his story.
Listen to Ryan’s story today!
Stories Ryan shared:
  • Growing up in Vancouver, BC
  • Leaving church after his parent’s divorce but still with an idea of God
  • The books that inspired Ryan to take his discipleship more seriously
  • How he began to understand God’s larger mission
  • Discovering imaginative prayer and how it gives him life
  • Learning that play is delightful to God
  • Discovering that he can be on mission in unique ways
  • How finding the Enneagram helped him discover himself
  • How he wrestles with God over a desire
  • Writing on his blog and ebooks

Great quotes from Ryan:

When we play, when we try new things, our parent God as our Heavenly Father, delights in that.

Community is important to balance these ideas.

The Enneagram can really help toward church unity at a time when we need it.

Whoever God has made you to be, own it and know that God is pleased with you.

Resources we mentioned:

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