Ronda Nelson and the Gift of Grace

halfwaythere Jan 29, 2024
Ronda Nelson is an advocate for the power of the grace of God. Her story is the perfect example of the reason for Christmas. While most of us will never experience the dramatic fall that Ronda shares today, we all need to know that God sent his son for us because he loves us. In Ronda’s life love and acceptance came through community. She wants everyone to know “that we don’t have to waste time away from God in shame” because his grace is enough for us no matter what you’ve done.

Ronda Nelson is an advocate for the power of the grace of God. Her story is the perfect example of the reason for Christmas. While most of us will never experience the dramatic fall that Ronda shares today, we all need to know that God sent his son for us because he loves us. In Ronda’s life love and acceptance came through community. She wants everyone to know “that we don’t have to waste time away from God in shame” because his grace is enough for us no matter what you’ve done.

Please listen and share, my friend. And Merry Christmas!

Stories Ronda shared:

  • How she got into music and abandoned opera for rock
  • The moment she held her daughter and realized how much God loves her
  • Finding her joy in serving the church while her husband was a worship pastor
  • The phone call from an old boyfriend that changed her life
  • How community helped nudge her in a direction she did not expect
  • The shame that engulfed her when the affair became public
  • Living with her boyfriend, the horrible  and the horrible feeling of guilt she felt
  • The grace offered when she came back to the church (Thank you, Ryan Paulson!)
  • Rediscovering the joy of signing to the Lord
  • The pain of losing her daughter, Mollie

Great quotes from Ronda:

I knew that I was coming back. I felt like I was turning around.

I knew God wanted me back.

It’s really satisfying to know that God does not waste experiences.

Resources Ronda mentioned:


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