Rodney Pennington Shares His Mountain Tops, Rebellion, and Mission

halfwaythere Jan 29, 2024
Rodney Pennington is Vice President for Mobilization with OMF International. He has served as a pastor in Kansas, church planter in Toronto and Thailand, and mobilizer in U.S. for the unreached peoples of East Asia. He is a husband and father of four kids. Today we talk about his journey from a kid who gave up on God to missionary who could not help but go overseas to share the Gospel.

Rodney Pennington is Vice President for Mobilization with OMF International. He has served as a pastor in Kansas, church planter in Toronto and Thailand, and mobilizer in U.S. for the unreached peoples of East Asia. He is a husband and father of four kids. Today we talk about his journey from a kid who gave up on God to missionary who could not help but go overseas to share the Gospel.
Stories Rodney shared:
  • The difficulty of his family life and why he gave up on God
  • His literal mountain top experience when he started praying to a God he didn’t even believe in
  • The snake that helped heal his relationship with his father
  • Sharing the Gospel with his father and his conversion
  • His daughter’s diagnosis with Turner Syndrome
  • God’s provision for his daughter
  • The trip to Cambodia that changed his heart for unreached people groups

Great quotes from Rodney:

I knew my life was changed. If this was true why wouldn’t I pour everything into it?

I can honest say there are moments when I’ve been angry with God and I didn’t understand why or what was going on or the purpose behind it all but He’s come through everytime.

What we have before is such a blessing, if we just use it the right way, we can reach the ends of the earth.

Resources Rodney mentioned:


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