Robin T. Jennings and the Light of the World

halfwaythere Feb 06, 2024
Robin T. Jennings is an ordained Episcopal minister and author of 3 books on spiritual growth through vision and renewal. Today, Robin shares his unexpected journey to seminary and the priesthood, discovering spiritual renewal and formation, and learning to surrender to the Lord. Robin’s heart is to serve the next generation as they face new challenges to their discipleship to Jesus. Robin’s story reminds us that walking with the Lord is a partnership.

Robin T. Jennings is an ordained Episcopal minister and author of 3 books on spiritual growth through vision and renewal. Today, Robin shares his unexpected journey to seminary and the priesthood, discovering spiritual renewal and formation, and learning to surrender to the Lord. Robin’s heart is to serve the next generation as they face new challenges to their discipleship to Jesus. Robin’s story reminds us that walking with the Lord is a partnership.

Listen to Robin’s story now!

Stories Robin shared:

  • Finding himself in a season of solitude and silence
  • Growing up on the North Shore of Chicago in an Episcopal family
  • The impression he had of reverence for God
  • Working for an Episcopal boys home
  • The mentor who suggested he go to seminary
  • How seminary shaped his faith
  • Going to Memphis to serve a church
  • Becoming the rector and “playing the role”
  • Being mentored by Gerald May
  • Getting spiritual direction
  • Resolving the outer and inner tension he felt
  • How his children helped him
  • Learning to surrender to the Lord and love
  • Deciding to use new media to reach the next generation

Great quotes from Robin:

What silence has done for me is allow the Lord to have a word.

Once you love someone, you find yourself  closer to something you call holy.

When it comes to surrendering to God, that’s the source of love.

Resources we mentioned:

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