Rob Karch and Embracing God in the Unexpected

halfwaythere Jan 26, 2024

Today my guest is Rob Karch. Rob has served, with his wife and family, as a global worker sharing Jesus with people in Quebec for twelve years. In today’s conversation, he shares the story of how he got there, why he fell in love with God through reading Scripture with emotion, and the most recent unexpected turn in his life.

Listen closely to Rob as he shares his heart of trust in God who so clearly has led him to share Christ with others. Even as he faces what can only be described as one of the most difficult challenges in his life, he tells stories of real hope based on the truth of the Gospel. That trust is so powerful.

Rob is a friend and every time I talk to him this passion for God’s mission in the world lights up his face. I hope you enjoy him as much as I do.

Great quotes from Rob in our conversation:

We do a huge disservice when we worry we’re going to miss God’s will somewhere because throughout Scripture when God makes himself known, it is unmistakable.

Simultaneously, there’s blessing and there’s suffering and it isn’t just one or the other.

God loves Muslims just like God loves a secular Americans. It’s the same thing. He’s pursuing them.

It’s almost as if God is saying “You know what? If you’re not going to go to these people, I’m going to bring them to you.” That’s the lens through which I’m seeing some of the refugee movements and things today. Some of these people are coming from the most difficult places to reach in the world and it’s almost as if God says, “Okay, I’m going to bring them to you.”

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