Randall Sean Garcia and the Father’s Love for Us

halfwaythere Feb 02, 2024
Randall Garcia is a pastor, online businessman, and podcaster. Randall shares the story of growing up an overachieving pastor’s kid, secretly wandering away from his faith, and the funeral that convinced him to change his ways. Around that time, he confessed his lifestyle to his dad and received love instead of rejection, an experience that had a profound effect on him. Randall shares how he balances his desire to achieve with an active relationship with the Lord and how lectio divina helps. He’s pursuing ministry and creating a Christian podcast network to serve Christian leaders. Randall’s story reminds us that no matter what we do, the Lord is always pursuing us!

Randall Garcia is a pastor, online businessman, and podcaster. Randall shares the story of growing up an overachieving pastor’s kid, secretly wandering away from his faith, and the funeral that convinced him to change his ways. Around that time, he confessed his lifestyle to his dad and received love instead of rejection, an experience that had a profound effect on him. Randall shares how he balances his desire to achieve with an active relationship with the Lord and how lectio divina helps. He’s pursuing ministry and creating a Christian podcast network to serve Christian leaders. Randall’s story reminds us that no matter what we do, the Lord is always pursuing us!

Listen to Randall’s story now!

Stories Randall shared:

  • Growing up as a pastor’s kid in the Assemblies of God
  • Trying to fit in with his friends as a teenager
  • Realizing that he was depressed in his early 20s
  • Confessing his sins to his father
  • How he experienced God’s love through his dad
  • His friend’s murder and the legacy that inspired him
  • Studying the attributes of God
  • How he motivates himself to keep reading the Bible
  • Starting his LX3 devotional group on Facebook
  • Discovering lectio divina as a practice
  • Deciding to go to seminary
  • Contemplating his next step for ministry
  • Shifting his podcast to create a podcast network

Great quotes from Randall:

I knew in that moment that God was going to use me.

God is our heavenly Father.

Wherever you’re at in the journey, continue putting one step in front of the other.

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