Phil Mershon and the Creative’s Journey
Feb 05, 2024
Phil Mershon is the founder and host of the Man in the Pew Show. By day, he is director of events for Social Media Examiner. He’s a jazz saxophonist, songwriter, former pastor, and author of two forthcoming books. Today, Phil shares the journey of discovering he is a creative. He shares how he studied economics, the mentor who encouraged him to speak and write, and how he discovered his need to express his creativity every day. Phil’s story reminds us that it’s so valuable to know yourself and express yourself creatively.
Listen to Phil’s story now!!
Stories Phil shared:
- Clinging to God in the middle of chaos in his life
- Growing up in a church-going family
- High school pranks at church
- Going to Wheaton College and studying economics
- Discovering that he was more artistic than analytical
- The mentor who challenged him to try speaking
- Going to seminary to study worship
- Serving churches and moving around the country
- Struggling with depressive cycles as a creative
- Getting to Social Media Examiner
- Learning that he has to express parts of himself
Great quotes from Phil:
I wasn’t around people who could see that side [the creative side] of me.
Abundance is the way the Kingdom works.
There are certain parts of who I am that I can’t allow to go unexpressed.
I am more than enough because God is more than enough.
Resources we mentioned:
- Phil’s website
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