Pheyland and Natalie Barthen Trusting God Through Uncertainty

halfwaythere Jan 30, 2024
Pheyland and Natalie Barthen are musicians, worship leaders, and evangelists. Today they share how they learned to trust God in even the most uncertain circumstances.  Pheyland and Natalie reached rock bottom financially when God picked them back up and provided for them in unexpected ways. Their story will inspire you to place your trust completely in God and allow him to take care of you on your journey. Now, they are on a journey pressing into the calling God has for them.

Pheyland and Natalie Barthen are musicians, worship leaders, and evangelists. Today they share how they learned to trust God in even the most uncertain circumstances.  Pheyland and Natalie reached rock bottom financially when God picked them back up and provided for them in unexpected ways. Their story will inspire you to place your trust completely in God and allow him to take care of you on your journey. Now, they are on a journey pressing into the calling God has for them.

Listen to Pheyland and Natalie’s stories now!

Stories Pheyland & Natalie shared:

  • Starting a ministry together in 2001
  • The Lord providing for their family
  • Natalie growing up as a pastor’s kid being at church all the time
  • The moment the Holy Spirit grabbed Natalie’s heart in church after a night of drinking
  • Pheyland giving his life to the Lord at the altar at seven years old
  • Being filled with the Holy Spirit at a church camp
  • Learning about how to depend on the Lord in the past year
  • Pheyland working a full-time job and the misery of it
  • Trusting God with their finances during a job crisis
  • When their pastor took an offering just for them
  • The acorn story

Great quotes from Pheyland & Natalie:

We really didn’t have a choice but to lock onto God with everything we had.

It just let me know that God hadn’t forgotten about me.

Resources mentioned by Pheyland & Natalie: