Paul Sohn and Finding Your God-Given Purpose

halfwaythere Jan 29, 2024
Paul Sohn is an author, public speaker, and coach who works with millennials to answer life’s biggest questions. He recently founded Qara, an organization dedicated to providing resources for those in the formative adult years, the 20s. His book, Quarter-Life Calling: Pursuing Your God-Given Purpose in Your Twenties, helps guide young people through confusion into the purpose God has for them.

Paul Sohn is an author, public speaker, and coach who works with millennials to answer life’s biggest questions. He recently founded Qara, an organization dedicated to providing resources for those in the formative adult years, the 20s. His book, Quarter-Life Calling: Pursuing Your God-Given Purpose in Your Twenties, helps guide young people through confusion into the purpose God has for them.

But how did Paul get here? We talk about that and so much more:

  • Paul’s shares how his family’s life was changed when Bill Graham came to Korea in 1972 and his father gave his life to Christ. Paul grew up in a Christian family and finally committed his own life to Christ at age 14 and his faith personal when he decided to study abroad in Vancouver at a Christian school. (5:49)
  • How he overcame being a people pleaser. (12:45)
  • The time he quit the job he should have been comfortable in and the amazing way God provided as a result. (19:05)
  • His passion for helping others find their purpose. (26:40)
  • The realization that pursuing a calling is harder than it looks but so much more worth it. (36:51)

Great Quotes from Paul:

No one is with me except God.

When I surrender, God’s calling on my life is so much bigger.

The more I discovered more of who Jesus is, the more I know myself.

Your 20’s are your defining decade. But so many people in their 20’s feel lost, they feel stuck and don’t know where they are going.

I’m realizing how broken I am. There is power in vulnerability. Pursuing your calling is hard. It’s difficult.

If you enjoyed Paul’s story, connect with him on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). His posts will enrich your life. And get Quarter-Life Calling: Pursuing Your God-Given Purpose in Your Twenties at Amazon or Barnes and Noble.


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