Neil Matthews and Accepting God’s Acceptance

halfwaythere Feb 04, 2024
Neil Matthews is a husband, father, and the producer of the podcast Other People’s Shoes where he creates space to hear one another’s perspectives. Today, Neil shares how he got swept into youth ministry, lost it all after a startling confession, and found a new ministry in podcasting. Neil relates his struggle with pride as a cover for his deeper woundings. He learned to depend on grace in humility while listening to what others are going through. Neil’s story reminds us that God is shaping us for the good through even the hardest experiences.

Neil Matthews is a husband, father, and the producer of the podcast Other People’s Shoes where he creates space to hear one another’s perspectives. Today, Neil shares how he got swept into youth ministry, lost it all after a startling confession, and found a new ministry in podcasting. Neil relates his struggle with pride as a cover for his deeper woundings. He learned to depend on grace in humility while listening to what others are going through. Neil’s story reminds us that God is shaping us for the good through even the hardest experiences.

Listen to Neil’s story now!

Stories Neil shared:

  • Growing up in Southern California
  • Moving to Oregon before sixth grade
  • Choosing Christ and getting baptized
  • The night he almost committed suicide
  • The mentor who gave him a DC Talk tape
  • Giving his life to Christ at youth group once and for all
  • The night his youth leader quit in scandal
  • Getting swept into ministry as a 19 year old
  • Pursuing credentials as a pastor
  • How pornography derailed his career as a pastor
  • Reconciling with the pastor who fired him through his podcast
  • The absence of God he felt in that season
  • Getting baptized again on April 15, 2012
  • Learning to accept God’s acceptance of him

Great quotes from Neil:

Pain is something all of us walk in. How are we going to use it?

God sees me as who I am more than I do.

I am so important to him that I don’t need to get importance from anyone else.

Resources we mentioned:

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