Michelle Rayburn and Growing in Christ

halfwaythere Feb 05, 2024
Michelle Rayburn is a freelance writer and podcaster who appreciates how life’s difficulties can turn out to be opportunities learn and grow. Today, Michelle shares her sometimes Pharisaical approach to her faith as a young woman, learning to engage people who are not like her, and discovering herself through writing. In every story Michelle shares, she reminds us that it’s okay to be immature so we can eventually become mature in Christ. We only need to accept permission to grow.

Michelle Rayburn is a freelance writer and podcaster who appreciates how life’s difficulties can turn out to be opportunities learn and grow. Today, Michelle shares her sometimes Pharisaical approach to her faith as a young woman, learning to engage people who are not like her, and discovering herself through writing. In every story Michelle shares, she reminds us that it’s okay to be immature so we can eventually become mature in Christ. We only need to accept permission to grow.

Listen to Michelle’s story now!

Stories Michelle shared:

  • Editing books and writing to reach women
  • Growing up in Wisconsin in a Christian family
  • Rededicating her life to Christ at a youth event
  • Landing in a Wesleyan church and how that happened
  • Getting involved in Campus Crusade in college
  • The emotional impact of reading Luke 18
  • Becoming willing to share with others who are not like her
  • Joining other groups to interact with people not like her
  • Raising support for camp ministry and losing a transmission
  • Pondering why chickens never fly over
  • Harvesting cranberries in the marsh
  • Writing a marriage book with her husband
  • Developing tools for communication in marriage

Great quotes from Michelle:

I think we spend a lot of time debating which one is theologically correct. Outside of that there is this whole world that doesn’t care at all what the differences are between them. They just need some hope.

I realized at one point that I was living exactly as I would if I believed in a works-based religion.

What’s God going to do through this that’s beautiful?

What if the “old marrieds” ask the young marrieds how they can help?

Resources we mentioned:

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