Michael T. Cooper and The International Call

halfwaythere Jan 29, 2024
Today’s guest is Michael T. Cooper, president and CEO of International Needs, an organization whose vision is to “transform lives and change communities by helping Christians serve both God and neighbor within their own countries.” He shares the story of how he came to Christ at a student event, the ministry that God led him into ministry planting churches in Eastern Europe, and people who invested in him.

Today’s guest is Michael T. Cooper, president and CEO of International Needs, an organization whose vision is to “transform lives and change communities by helping Christians serve both God and neighbor within their own countries.” He shares the story of how he came to Christ at a student event, the ministry that God led him into ministry planting churches in Eastern Europe, and people who invested in him.

Stories Michael shared:

  • Growing up in a nominally Christian family.
  • Girls, Beer, and Fighting
  • How he came to Christ at a student venture event from Campus Crusade and going to the old hangout to share with his friends
  • Leading within Campus Crusade to Poland with his future wife
  • The guy who invested in Michael: Bud Hinkson – The Apostle  Paul of the 20th Century
  • Why he flushed money down the toilet
  • The legacy of Bud
  • The questions he asks of God
    • Why haven’t we reached the world yet? 1 Corinthians 2:9

Great quotes from Michael:

  • Jesus is for everybody.

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