Meg Glesener and the Smile of God

halfwaythere Feb 04, 2024
Meg Glesener is a mom of eight raising her family in Seattle, a podcaster, and moderator of Christian Podcasters Association. Today, Meg shares growing up in an unsafe environment, how a Christian girl willing to be her friend changed her life, and her passion for the outcast. Meg also shares with us the bittersweet emotions of letting her children grow up and follow their own faith journeys. Everything Meg does is full of joy and compassion for others. Her story reminds us of God’s heart to leave the 99 to pursue the wayward one.

Meg Glesener is a mom of eight raising her family in Seattle, a podcaster, and moderator of Christian Podcasters Association. Today, Meg shares growing up in an unsafe environment, how a Christian girl willing to be her friend changed her life, and her passion for the outcast. Meg also shares with us the bittersweet emotions of letting her children grow up and follow their own faith journeys. Everything Meg does is full of joy and compassion for others. Her story reminds us of God’s heart to leave the 99 to pursue the wayward one.

Listen to Meg’s story now in your favorite podcast player!

Stories Meg shared:

  • Growing up in Southern California in a non-Christian family
  • Bouncing around as a kid in a volatile family
  • Turning to sports and school for meaning
  • How her dad ended up in rehab
  • Meeting a girl who invited her to an afterschool program
  • Giving her life to Christ and not knowing how to tell her parents
  • Sharing Christ with her twin sisters and seeing her family come to Jesus as well
  • Choosing to have a large family
  • Her passion for meeting those with needs
  • Struggling with parenting as kids make their own choices
  • Her life prayer in Jude 24
  • Starting her own podcast, the Letters from Home Podcast
  • Turning her home into a safe place for others

Great quotes from Meg:

From the very beginning of our marriage we wanted to serve the Lord.

When I think of the Lord’s love and mercy and goodness in my own life, how can I not pour that back in?

There’s no perfect parenting. It’s a walk with God.

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