Matthew Rennels and Overcoming Fear

halfwaythere Jan 26, 2024
In a recent blog titled How to Find God’s Shining Light after a Divorce, Matthew shared his experience of divorce, wavering faith, and getting through to see God again. He’s a gifted writer and if you’re struggling with anything that makes you question all the times you were sure about God, read this post because you’re not alone.

Matthew Rennels shares his story of overcoming bipolar and anxiety. He grew up in a Lutheran family but, like many, gave up any connection to God in college. But then while working as a newspaper reporter in the Bible Belt, Matthew worked with a Christian. At first, he was was wary but then one day he just asked if he could go to church with the guy. And that was it. He gave his life to Christ not in a moment but in a flash.

Matthew shared several of his hardest times including the last year when his life has changed dramatically through divorce, the sudden loss of his father, and a change of scenery from Florida to South Dakota. When asked what his experience of God is through this he gave the most honest answer: “It’s been a little back and forth.” Sometimes the life of faith is back and forth. The trick is to keep going.

In a recent blog titled How to Find God’s Shining Light after a Divorce, Matthew shared his experience of divorce, wavering faith, and getting through to see God again. He’s a gifted writer and if you’re struggling with anything that makes you question all the times you were sure about God, read this post because you’re not alone.

Books Matthew mentioned:

Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life – Henry Cloud

CoDependent No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Taking Care of Yourself – Melody Beattie

Great quotes from our conversation:

I lost my connection with a fellowship of believers entirely and, no surprise, I lost my faith in God entirely.

Three things one year hit me pretty hard…and it led me to wonder why. I read the Bible everyday, I’ve gone to church every week, I’ve kept myself pretty clean…I couldn’t understand what was going on. It really challenged me. You know, you can shake your fists at God in that instance but I think God says “I didn’t say you would have a perfect life.” I don’t know where I got that belief.

God keeps on opening doors for me and every time I’m amazed.

That’s usually the way fears work: if we just take those little steps, if we just try a little higher rock, and we keep on setting the bar a little higher it will come natural and we won’t even think about it anymore. We will just be able to do what we never thought we could do.

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