Matt Till and Living on Mission

halfwaythere Feb 01, 2024
Matt Till is a lecturer of Christian Ministry and Communications at Trinity International University in Deerfield, IL, lead pastor of Restoration Church in the Chicago suburbs, and a regular contributor to Ephesiology, an online community and podcast dedicated to the study of the early Christian movement. Today, Matt shares with us the story of finding Christ at Promise Keepers with his dad, learning that working in ministry isn’t all it’s made out to be, and responding to his calling to plant a church. Matt also shares how he learned that vocation can be lived out in any line of work anywhere. His story reminds us that God always has a plan even when we think we’re directing the steps.

Matt Till is a lecturer of Christian Ministry and Communications at Trinity International University in Deerfield, IL, lead pastor of Restoration Church in the Chicago suburbs, and a regular contributor to Ephesiology, an online community and podcast dedicated to the study of the early Christian movement. Today, Matt shares with us the story of finding Christ at Promise Keepers with his dad, learning that working in ministry isn’t all it’s made out to be, and responding to his calling to plant a church. Matt also shares how he learned that vocation can be lived out in any line of work anywhere. His story reminds us that God always has a plan even when we think we’re directing the steps.
Listen to Matt’s story now!
 Stories Matt shared:
  • Growing up in a Methodist home in Chicagoland
  • Hearing the Holy Spirit for the first time at Promise Keepers in 1996 and receiving Christ with his dad
  • Being baby Christians with his whole family
  • Building community in college and how that shaped him
  • Studying broadcast communication
  • Working in Chicago television
  • Moving to a megachurch in the area to use his gifts
  • How his disillusionment caused him to grow
  • The vacation where God asked him to plant a church
  • Going to seminary to become a pastor
  • How God sparked conversations about church planting
  • Planting a church in the middle of megachurches falling
  • The unexpected response to his vulnerability

Great quotes from Matt:

You can be doing something of value for the Kingdom of God even outside the church.

God is a God on mission.

We’ve been more consumed with getting people to believe the right things; that’s just tribalism at its best. Or its worst.

Resources we mentioned: