Mark A. Scandrette and Unconventional Christianity

halfwaythere Feb 02, 2024
Mark Scandrette is an author and globally recognized expert on practical spiritual formation. Today, Mark shares the story of his traditional Evangelical upbringing by sincere parents, his multifaceted and many conversions, and pursuing the way of Jesus. Mark has a very grounded approach to following Jesus that speaks loudly. He opens up about wrestling his life in Christ away from “shame and should” into the freedom that Christ offers. These days, he writes and travels to speak around the world while his obvious love for the Lord spills out everywhere. His story shows us what happens when you stay on the journey. If it’s possible for him, it’s possible for you, too.

Mark Scandrette is an author and globally recognized expert on practical spiritual formation. Today, Mark shares the story of his traditional Evangelical upbringing by sincere parents, his multifaceted and many conversions, and pursuing the way of Jesus. Mark has a very grounded approach to following Jesus that speaks loudly. He opens up about wrestling his life in Christ away from “shame and should” into the freedom that Christ offers. These days, he writes and travels to speak around the world while his obvious love for the Lord spills out everywhere. His story shows us what happens when you stay on the journey. If it’s possible for him, it’s possible for you, too.

Listen to Mark’s story now!

Stories Mark shared:
  • Growing up as a military kid moving all over
  • His family’s healthy spirituality and vitality
  • Praying “the prayer” as a young boy to avoid hell
  • Being the “God kid” at school who always had his Bible
  • Multiple “conversions” he experienced as he grew in faith
  • Committing to voluntary poverty and moving to the city
  • Finding that he was still motivated by shame
  • Discovering silent retreats during seminary
  • Moving to San Francisco to plant a church
  • Being confronted by the realities of church history
  • Discovering Dallas Willard and his writing
  • The practices he found that helped him
  • Founding an organization to practice the teachings of Jesus

Great quotes from Mark:

Christianity as it’s practiced in America is not that attractive to me but I couldn’t walk away from the vitality I saw in my family.

I might not be a conventional Christian anymore but I really want to follow Jesus.

Shame and should can only get you so far; eventually you have to find a different motivation.

Resources we mentioned:

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