Manny Randawa and the Conduit of Grace

halfwaythere Feb 05, 2024
Manny Randhawa is reporter, Statcast researcher, and author of The Blake Street Bombers. Today, Manny shares how his dad’s political desire led him to faith, the surprising sermon that let him to pray for salvation, and how he ended up being a sports writer. He also shares how he led his mom to Christ. Plus, we geek out a little bit about baseball, of course. Manny’s story reminds us that God is always working even when our circumstances are painful.

Manny Randhawa is reporter, Statcast researcher, and author of The Blake Street Bombers. Today, Manny shares how his dad’s political desire led him to faith, the surprising sermon that let him to pray for salvation, and how he ended up being a sports writer. He also shares how he led his mom to Christ. Plus, we geek out a little bit about baseball, of course. Manny’s story reminds us that God is always working even when our circumstances are painful.

Listen to Manny’s story now!

Stories Manny shared:

  • Growing up in the San Francisco area to immigrants from India
  • How his parents arranged marriage affected him
  • When his dad asked him to go to church
  • Going to a Christian school as a way of becoming American
  • The conversation with a leader at a retreat that stayed with him
  • Getting emotional during worship songs
  • The experiences in worship that kept happening and his intellectual pursuit
  • Praying while listening to Joel Osteen wrap up a sermon
  • The kind of abuse he lived through from his father
  • Leading his mom to Christ
  • Deciding not to become a lawyer
  • Praying to become a baseball writer
  • Starting to write for Bleacher Report
  • Getting an internship at and his first story on the cover of the webpage
  • Learning he was clinically depressed
  • How God answering his prayer changed his view of God’s fatherhood
  • Talking to Juan Pierre and other Christians in MLB
  • Experiencing God as father
  • The story of how he wrote his book The Blake Street Bombers 

Great quotes from Manny:

If you’re not an emotional guy, everything has to make sense…but it didn’t.

If you’re young and depressed, you don’t know it.

The very cause of distress in my life, God used as a conduit to put me in the right place.

We say “right place, right time,” but actually God places you there.

Resources we mentioned:

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