Lori Morrison and God’s Compassion for the Hurting

halfwaythere Feb 10, 2024
Licensed private investigator, podcast host, author, and speaker Lori Morrison. Today, Lori shares about being around church and slowly drawn to the Lord, working in the justice system to learn compassion, and how she became a private investigator. She also gives us tips about personal safety and some deep thoughts about God’s love for all people, including those who commit crimes. Her book is called How to Kick Fear to the Curb where she explains the biblical case for being strong and not afraid. Lori’s story reminds us that the Lord loves justice even when it doesn’t look how we want it to.

Licensed private investigator, podcast host, author, and speaker Lori Morrison. Today, Lori shares about being around church and slowly drawn to the Lord, working in the justice system to learn compassion, and how she became a private investigator. She also gives us tips about personal safety and some deep thoughts about God’s love for all people, including those who commit crimes. Her book is called How to Kick Fear to the Curb where she explains the biblical case for being strong and not afraid. Lori’s story reminds us that the Lord loves justice even when it doesn’t look how we want it to.

Listen to Lori’s story in your favorite podcast app now!

Stories Lori shared:

  • Working as a private investigator and what that means
  • Growing up in Indiana but not going to church
  • Slowly being drawn to Jesus as a young woman
  • Beginning to read and do Bible studies
  • How getting involved with helping others helped her
  • Learning compassion for others by working with inmates at the jail
  • Being a stay at home mom while her children were little
  • Working in the domestic violence court and how that opened her eyes
  • Becoming a private investigator
  • Learning to depend on the Lord as she helps families
  • Understanding God’s heart for justice
  • Realizing that God love perpetrators as well
  • Connecting with the Lord when she’s working a case
  • How to have situational awareness

Great quotes from Lori:

There’s a lot of different ways you can get justice.

As Christians, we can be too trusting. We trust in titles and positions as opposed to trusting in character.

God wants to be in every part of our lives.

In God we trust. Everyone else gets a background check.

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