Les Hughes and Jon Sanders and The Rise of EntrePastors

halfwaythere Feb 07, 2024
Les Hughes and Jon Sanders are pastors who help pastors and others with a ministry background create a life of financial freedom as entrepreneurs. Today, Les and Jon share their individual spiritual experiences including resisting ministry and surrendering to the Lord. Plus, they share how being pastors led them to start coaching other pastors to create side hustles and other streams of income. The freedom that’s available is unlike anything we’ve seen before and may be how people serve in the future. Les and Jon’s story remind us that the Lord uses everything, not just the things we think are sacred.

Les Hughes and Jon Sanders are pastors who help pastors and others with a ministry background create a life of financial freedom as entrepreneurs. Today, Les and Jon share their individual spiritual experiences including resisting ministry and surrendering to the Lord. Plus, they share how being pastors led them to start coaching other pastors to create side hustles and other streams of income. The freedom that’s available is unlike anything we’ve seen before and may be how people serve in the future. Les and Jon’s story remind us that the Lord uses everything, not just the things we think are sacred.

Listen to Les and Jon’s story in your favorite podcast app now!

Stories Les and Jon shared:

  • Why Les and Jon started EntrePastors
  • Jon was born and raised in a pastor’s family in the MidWest
  • Jon resisting the call to ministry and becoming a firefighter
  • Les growing up with parents who were first generation Christians
  • The sense of God’s presence Les had as a child in tumultuous times
  • Les giving his life to Christ as a child
  • Les realizing that the anger he had was unhealthy
  • The student pastor who discerned what was really happening in Les
  • Jon’s experience of spiritual freedom
  • How the Lord broke Jon’s heart for rural America
  • Les’s experience in ministry
  • How a heart attack helped Les slow down and enjoy the journey
  • Learning to repent of pride for Jon
  • Meeting one another in a mastermind
  • How EntrePastors came about
  • The freedom that pastors can have by creating their own businesses

Great quotes from Les and Jon:

It’s not anyone else’s job to provide for my family. It’s my job. (Les)

It’s a shame when a pastor needs to leave a church environment to increase their income. (Les)

I never felt abandoned by God and I know now that’s just grace (Les).

The church is a terrible business model. (Jon)

If we can free some pastors up to go do some things in the marketplace, we can alleviate a lot of struggle for both the pastors and the church. (Jon)

Resources we mentioned:

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