Kevin Wilson and Planting Seeds

halfwaythere Feb 10, 2024
Kevin Wilson is the host of the podcast A Christian Podcast with Kevin Wilson. I had the pleasure of being on a panel with Kevin at Podcast Movement in August, 2022. His approach to evangelism in his podcast fascinated so I had to hear more of his story. Today, Kevin shares about how moving around as a child affected him, the group that so lived Acts 2 that he couldn’t resist Jesus, and how he follows curiosity to interact with others about faith. Kevin’s story reminds us that evangelism is a true gift and we can learn from his.

Kevin Wilson is the host of the podcast A Christian Podcast with Kevin Wilson. I had the pleasure of being on a panel with Kevin at Podcast Movement in August, 2022. His approach to evangelism in his podcast fascinated so I had to hear more of his story. Today, Kevin shares about how moving around as a child affected him, the group that so lived Acts 2 that he couldn’t resist Jesus, and how he follows curiosity to interact with others about faith. Kevin’s story reminds us that evangelism is a true gift and we can learn from his.

Listen to Kevin’s story today!

Stories Kevin shared:

  • Connecting at Podcast Movement
  • Growing up in Detroit, Michigan
  • Moving around a lot and ending up in NC
  • Meeting a group of believers in college that lit his flame for the Lord
  • How the fellowship of believers helped him
  • Investing time and intentionality in his faith
  • Starting his podcast A Christian Podcast with Kevin Wilson
  • Evolving his show to go outside and talk to people
  • Following curiosity to ask genuine questions of people who believe differently
  • Embracing his gifting as an evangelist
  • Experiencing a season when God’s plan was not clear

Great quotes from Kevin:

I recognize my role as a seed planter.

I’ve disagreed with people but never had a conversation end in anger.

Humility is required for a relationship with God.

Resources we mentioned:

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