Kent Sanders and The Beauty of the Written Word

halfwaythere Feb 12, 2024
Kent Sanders is a ghostwriter who helps leaders grow their impact and influence through books and other content. He is the host of the Daily Writer podcast and the founder of the Daily Writer Club, a membership community that helps writers build a business with their skills. Today, Kent shares how his faith was shaped by spending time in Ukraine, the season of doubt and searching he had while pastoring others, and how learning about the history of worship shaped him. Then, Kent tells us how he ended up as a creative and writer including the work he does today to support writers. Kent’s story reminds us that while the Lord provides at every step, some of where they lead will surprise you.

Kent Sanders is a ghostwriter who helps leaders grow their impact and influence through books and other content. He is the host of the Daily Writer podcast and the founder of the Daily Writer Club, a membership community that helps writers build a business with their skills. Today, Kent shares how his faith was shaped by spending time in Ukraine, the season of doubt and searching he had while pastoring others, and how learning about the history of worship shaped him. Then, Kent tells us how he ended up as a creative and writer including the work he does today to support writers. Kent’s story reminds us that while the Lord provides at every step, some of where they lead will surprise you.

Listen to Kent’s story in your favorite podcast app now!

Stories Kent shared:

  • Growing up in Missouri in the woods
  • Going to church with his mom as a kid
  • Participating in Bible Bowl
  • Giving his life to Christ as a middle schooler
  • Travelling with a music team in college
  • Spending the summer in Ukraine
  • Coming back to the United States and realizing the complacency of the culture
  • Feeling a strong pull to vocational ministry
  • Struggling with his faith in his late 20s
  • What he learned about himself on the other side of his questions
  • Teaching the history of worship and how it shaped him
  • Experiencing different Christian traditions
  • Discovering blogging and podcasting
  • Beginning to write and get clients
  • Leaving his professor job and starting his own business
  • Why you should write a book

Great quotes from Kent:

As a kid, you don’t appreciate the sacrifices adults make for you.

The more challenges you have the more opportunities  you have to grow.

I was starving for beauty but didn’t know it until I experienced it.

Resources we mentioned:

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