Kent Dickerson and Yearning for God’s Beauty

halfwaythere Feb 05, 2024
Kent Dickerson is a preacher, writer, and seminar presenter, currently from South Korea. Today, Kent shares the story of how he gave his life to Christ, the moment when lust got ahold of him, and how he overcame the struggle of pornography in his life. Kent had a radical encounter with God’s love in the Alps and it changed his life. His story reminds us to focus on God—his character and beauty—instead of all the other things that impress us.

Kent Dickerson is a preacher, writer, and seminar presenter, currently from South Korea. Today, Kent shares the story of how he gave his life to Christ, the moment when lust got ahold of him, and how he overcame the struggle of pornography in his life. Kent had a radical encounter with God’s love in the Alps and it changed his life. His story reminds us to focus on God—his character and beauty—instead of all the other things that impress us.

Listen to Kent’s story now!

Stories Kent shared:

  • How he ended up in South Korea
  • Growing up in Abilene, TX and later Colorado Springs, CO
  • Going to church every time the doors were open
  • Giving his life to Christ at a revival and being baptized
  • Discovering pictures of a nude woman
  • Developing a “duality of heart” wanting to serve the Lord and his secret
  • Joining and then leaving the ministry
  • The janitor turned pastor who began to teach him about prayer
  • Having an affair that led to divorce
  • A season of depression he felt after the divorce and discovering Psalms
  • Finding himself back into pornography
  • Getting desperate with God
  • Sharing his struggle with a group and finding he was not alone for the first time
  • Getting into accountability
  • Beginning to find victory over his lust
  • Asking the Father to give him victory
  • Praying at the gym and experiencing worship
  • Worshiping God at the Alps
  • What the Scriptures reveal about the Lord

Great quotes from Kent:

I had a relationship with the Bible not the God of the Bible.

I was finally at a place to receive what he had for me all along.

Can I experience you through the temptation?

All my life I’ve been chasing beauty…and it’s because my yearning for God’s beauty was so strong.

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