Katie Hornor and Rain as a Blessing

halfwaythere Feb 02, 2024
Katie Hornor is a best-selling author, business coach and international speaker. After leaving all for a ministry opportunity overseas only to have it pulled out from under them, Tap & Katie built a business and a movement in their second language among in the fastest growing market demographic in the world, changing the future of education for Hispanic families. Today, Katie shares the story of wanting to go overseas as a child, wrestling with postpartum depression, and learning to see rain as a blessing from God. Katie turned a series of  closed doors into an international business and her story reminds us that God always has something better for us.

Katie Hornor is a best-selling author, business coach and international speaker. After leaving all for a ministry opportunity overseas only to have it pulled out from under them, Tap & Katie built a business and a movement in their second language among in the fastest growing market demographic in the world, changing the future of education for Hispanic families. Today, Katie shares the story of wanting to go overseas as a child, wrestling with postpartum depression, and learning to see rain as a blessing from God. Katie turned a series of  closed doors into an international business and her story reminds us that God always has something better for us.

Listen to Katie’s story now!

Stories Katie shared:

  • Growing up in North Carolina
  • Choosing life with Jesus as a young girl
  • Surrendering to the Lord’s will for her life in high school
  • Attending college at Bob Jones
  • Deciding to get a master’s degree in curriculum development
  • Wrestling with postpartum depression
  • Hosting a girl who need mentoring and how that helped her out of depression
  • Seeking the Lord for where to go next and moving across Mexico
  • Being asked to leave from two ministries within one year
  • Starting a company to homeschool Spanish speaking kids
  • Learning to see rain as a blessing
  • Observing flamingos in ocean

Great quotes from Katie:

If I really believe God is in control and everything he does is good, then I’ve got to look for the good.

Why are we working so hard for a harvest and all we’re getting is rained on?

He taught me to see the rain as a blessing.

Your title is about who you serve not who you are.

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