Kara-Kae James and Creating Space

halfwaythere Feb 04, 2024
Kara-Kae James is an author, blogger, and podcaster. Her newest book is called TOGETHER, A Journal for Mom & Me. Today, Kara-Kae shares her journey as a kid keeping up appearances, how she struggled to trust even though she knew all the right answers, and growing comfortable with her questions. Kara-Kae also shares her journaling practices with her kids and how adopting a son changed her world. Throughout her story, Kara-Kae shows how she creates space for people to be and become themselves. Her story reminds us that God is not daunted by our questions but embraces them and us.

Kara-Kae James is an author, blogger, and podcaster. Her newest book is called TOGETHER, A Journal for Mom & Me. Today, Kara-Kae shares her journey as a kid keeping up appearances, how she struggled to trust even though she knew all the right answers, and growing comfortable with her questions. Kara-Kae also shares her journaling practices with her kids and how adopting a son changed her world. Throughout her story, Kara-Kae shows how she creates space for people to be and become themselves. Her story reminds us that God is not daunted by our questions but embraces them and us.

Listen to Kara-Kae’s story in your favorite podcast app now!

Stories Kara-Kae shared:

  • Growing up in Oklahoma as a church kid
  • Having a legalistic view of God as a young person
  • How checking all the boxes made her faith not her own
  • The behind the scenes of church work that jaded her
  • Knowing all the right answers but still struggling with God
  • How pastor’s wives can live in authenticity
  • Learning to be comfortable with her questions
  • Pursuing her dream of writing
  • Creating space for people to land with their questions
  • Her journaling practices with her kids
  • Adopting their son and how that changed their family

Great quotes from Kara-Kae:

The church was my safe place.

I can easily tell you all the correct answers even if i’m battling in my mind whether or not I believe them.

Sometimes letting things fall apart and asking hard questions is what will truly transform us.

Resources we mentioned:

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