John Schlitt is a Rock Star Redeemed

halfwaythere Jan 30, 2024
John Schlitt is a soloist and lead singer of Petra and one of my heroes. Today, John shares his story from rock star to cocaine addict to Christian rock icon. As he tells his story it’s clear that he is made for music. He joined a band the day after graduating college and lived the rock star’s life playing to 20,000 people at a time. Just when he seemed to be on top of the world, addiction was gaining control and John was eventually thrown out of the band. The five years he was out of the music business God used to refine and grow the maturity he needed for the ministry God had chosen for John. We hear how the connection with Petra came about and the call that changed his life.  After we finished this conversation, I told John that his voice is prominent on the sound track of my life. I am so grateful to the Lord for his talent, genuine love for the Lord, and message. John’s ministry means a lot to me and I know you’ll be blessed as you listen to his story.

John Schlitt is a soloist and lead singer of Petra and one of my heroes. Today, John shares his story from rock star to cocaine addict to Christian rock icon. As he tells his story it’s clear that he is made for music. He joined a band the day after graduating college and lived the rock star’s life playing to 20,000 people at a time. Just when he seemed to be on top of the world, addiction was gaining control and John was eventually thrown out of the band. The five years he was out of the music business God used to refine and grow the maturity he needed for the ministry God had chosen for John. We hear how the connection with Petra came about and the call that changed his life.

After we finished this conversation, I told John that his voice is prominent on the sound track of my life. I am so grateful to the Lord for his talent, genuine love for the Lord, and message. John’s ministry means a lot to me and I know you’ll be blessed as you listen to his story.

Please listen and share John’s story today!

Stories John shared:

  • Being relevant and available to minister wherever he can
  • Growing up in Mt. Pulaski, IL in the middle of a religious struggle in his family
  • Joining and touring with Head East
  • How drugs and alcohol took over his life as the band grew more successful
  • The voice that almost led him to suicide
  • The pastor’s visit he agreed to make while he was drunk
  • The five years he was out of music and in the Word
  • What the Lord said to him when he finally was content being out of music
  • How Bob Hartman heard about John and their phone call
  • What the ministry of Petra was like when people found Jesus
  • His favorite Petra albums and how he handles shows these days
  • John’s daily dependence on Jesus
  • Staying busy since Petra retired

Great quotes from John:

I walked in with an attitude and out with the Holy Spirit.

I prayed to God every night but I didn’t know Jesus.

The only way I’d sing rock and roll again is if it’s in a Christian band like Petra.

We have to be as productive as we can, as Christlike as possible, and trust it’s going to be completed in God’s way not yours.

Resources mentioned by John: