John Ramstead from Accident to Purpose

halfwaythere Feb 05, 2024
John Ramstead is a keynote speaker and trainer, former combat Navy fighter pilot, leadership coach, international podcast host and bestselling author of On Purpose with Purpose–Discovering How to Live Your Best Life. Today, John shares about losing his dream of being a Top Gun pilot, the accident that nearly killed him, and the process of healing physically, mentally, and spiritually. John discovered that the Lord w0uld provide and give him a new identity. John’s story reminds us that God works even the worst of circumstance together for our good.

John Ramstead is a keynote speaker and trainer, former combat Navy fighter pilot, leadership coach, international podcast host and bestselling author of On Purpose with Purpose–Discovering How to Live Your Best Life. Today, John shares about losing his dream of being a Top Gun pilot, the accident that nearly killed him, and the process of healing physically, mentally, and spiritually. John discovered that the Lord w0uld provide and give him a new identity. John’s story reminds us that God works even the worst of circumstance together for our good.

Listen to John’s story now!

Stories John shared:

  • Growing up as a church kid in Minnesota
  • Getting into Top Gun as a pilot and then losing the dream
  • Giving his live to Christ during a church service
  • Building a business to drive himself
  • Living in “smoldering discontent”
  • Starting his own company thinking it would help his discontent
  • The accident that changed his life
  • Experiencing the love of God in his presence
  • The long healing process he went through
  • Realizing he was angry with God because of his painful healing process
  • Trusting God for finances as he healed
  • How Romans 8:28 helped him get through pain
  • The coach’s question that changed his perspective
  • Why he wrote On Purpose with Purpose

Great quotes from John:

He’s in relationship with us even if we’re not meeting him halfway.

Excellence is the standard but grace is the word.

Get to know and love that better version of yourself that God sees.

Resources we mentioned:

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