Jodie Niznik and Creating Space for God

halfwaythere Feb 10, 2024
Jodie Niznik served in vocational ministry for over twelve years. Her calling and passion is to equip people to create space for God in their lives and take another step in their journey with Jesus. She does this through writing, teaching, and her Scripture meditation podcast. Today, Jodie shares about how finding Christ at church camp, the first time she learned about lectio divina, and how she helps others engage the practice. Jodie’s story reminds us that there are many ways engage the Lord if we just take a little time.

Jodie Niznik served in vocational ministry for over twelve years. Her calling and passion is to equip people to create space for God in their lives and take another step in their journey with Jesus. She does this through writing, teaching, and her Scripture meditation podcast. Today, Jodie shares about how finding Christ at church camp, the first time she learned about lectio divina, and how she helps others engage the practice. Jodie’s story reminds us that there are many ways engage the Lord if we just take a little time.

Listen to Jodie’s story in your favorite podcast app now!

Stories Jodie shared:

  • The process of lectio divina and the guardrails we need
  • Growing up in Atlanta with a good family.
  • Finding Christ at church camp at 13
  • Having a very performative view of her faith
  • Deciding to do things on her own and the distress that resulted
  • Discovering Christian community at the University of Boulder
  • Getting married and moving to Texas
  • Hearing God tell her to go to seminary
  • Her experience with God through school
  • Starting to work at her church at the end of her schoolwork “on fumes”
  • Experiencing lectio divina for the first time
  • Leading her first lectio experience
  • Meditating on Psalm 37
  • The process of practicing lectio
  • Why she started a podcast about lectio, So Much More: Creating Space for God
  • Deciding to move away from working at the church
  • Experiencing God through a painful experience

Great quotes from Jodie:

I had to slow down or I wasn’t going to do any kind of work God called me to (24:16)

There’s not a return but there is a new space.

God wants to speak to you through His Word.

Resources we mentioned:

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