Jerry Schemmel and Christ in the Wreckage

halfwaythere Jan 30, 2024
Jerry Schemmel is a broadcaster for the Colorado Rockies. As a baseball fan in Denver, if itā€™s summer, Jerry is on my radio. Today, he shares the story of how the crash of United 232 changed his life forever. Jerry shares his thoughts as the flight lost control, redirected to Sioux City, and ultimately hit the ground at 255 miles per hour. The fact that he survived is amazing but it was the aftermath of survivorā€™s guilt and depression that led him to Christ. Now, Jerry lives every day for Christ and shares the Gospel whenever he can. His story will convince you that the Lord can use anything to get your attention.

Jerry Schemmel is a broadcaster for the Colorado Rockies. As a baseball fan in Denver, if it’s summer, Jerry is on my radio. Today, he shares the story of how the crash of United 232 changed his life forever. Jerry shares his thoughts as the flight lost control, redirected to Sioux City, and ultimately hit the ground at 255 miles per hour. The fact that he survived is amazing but it was the aftermath of survivor’s guilt and depression that led him to Christ. Now, Jerry lives every day for Christ and shares the Gospel whenever he can. His story will convince you that the Lord can use anything to get your attention.

Please listen to and share Jerry’s story today!

Stories Jerry shared:

  • Growing up in small town South Dakota
  • What religion was like growing up Roman Catholic
  • The plane crash that changed his life
  • What those last few moments before touching the ground were like
  • Running back into the plane to rescue a little girl
  • Dealing with the aftermath of the crash
  • Giving his life to Christ after months of depression and pain
  • Learning to use the experience for God’s glory
  • Why the trap of works is a lie
  • Questioning God when he tried to get national jobs
  • How to be Jesus at the right time to the right people

Great quotes from Jerry:

Eventually, not that moment or the next day but eventually, I was going to win every battle.

I think God says to me, “It took 30 years and a plane crash but I finally got your attention.” I think that’s why I survived that crash.

He wants me to use my life to serve Him and point people toward His Son.

If you can’t tell people who Jesus is, show them.

Resources we mentioned (Amazon links are affiliate links that send me a small commission if you use them):