Jeff Brown the Exponential Value of Reading

halfwaythere Feb 05, 2024
Jeff Brown is an award winning radio producer and personality, who launched his podcast in 2013. He is the host of Read to Lead and just published his first book of the same title. Today, Jeff shares how the Lord provided a job and moved him into Christian radio, how dark moments motivate him to draw closer to the Lord, and why he started Read to Lead. He also shares why reading is such a valuable habit that you cannot afford to miss out on. Jeff’s story reminds us that learning is an essential component of life with God.

Jeff Brown is an award winning radio producer and personality, who launched his podcast in 2013. He is the host of Read to Lead and just published his first book of the same title. Today, Jeff shares how the Lord provided a job and moved him into Christian radio, how dark moments motivate him to draw closer to the Lord, and why he started Read to Lead. He also shares why reading is such a valuable habit that you cannot afford to miss out on. Jeff’s story reminds us that learning is an essential component of life with God.

Listen to Jeff’s story now!

Stories Jeff shared:

  • Publishing his first book
  • Growing up in Indianapolis, IN
  • Loving radio even as a child and testing on it
  • Growing up in a Christian family but deciding not to go as a teenager
  • Accepting Christ on Easter Sunday
  • Getting a job in Christian radio providentially
  • Moving to Nashville and working in the Christian music industry
  • Getting married and divorced
  • Feeling the Lord’s comfort when this happened
  • Losing his job in radio and pivoting into small business
  • Starting the Read to Lead podcast
  • The habits of successful people
  • Why he decided to start the show he did
  • How reading got him noticed at worked and advanced his career

Great quotes from Jeff:

When you find what interests you, research books in that industry.

When adverse things happen, those things get my attention and bring me to my knees.

When the person who hired you leaves, and you are not replacing them, tidy up your resume.

Resources we mentioned:

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